Fellowship, Residency
1 - 29 / 9 / 2024

Who is useful somewhere is useful everywhere

Participants: Despoina Vaxevanidi,

My research focuses on industrial heritage, the movement of populations, the re-thinking of spaces of specific traditional use for nowadays cultural institutions as a kind of dialogue and renegotiation with the past. Art thus acquires a research and critical attitude towards society; a condition which is capable to bring social changes even in the long term.

Nisyrians who have settled in other parts of the world often preserve their traditions and culture, creating a bridge between Nisyros and the world. Thus, Nisyros emerges as a complex cultural network where arts, occupations, products and migration can be combined in order to create a rich, multidimensional social space.

The work reflects on the shaping and influencing society, potentially giving us a more conscious relationship with the world around us. The project will be an installation that aims to raise questions about daily routine, social change and collective action.